‘M Ok Ru Japan Free Travel


Japan has become a very popular destination for free travel, particularly with visitors from Russia. Historically, tourists from Russia have traveled to Japan to explore the rich cultural heritage and buildings of the country, as well as its beautiful countryside and stunning landscapes. During the late 19th century, the Russian Empire and Japan engaged in a bitter rivalry for control of the eastern Asian region and this led to the two countries forming a contentious relationship. Despite this, the two countries have managed to maintain a cordial relationship, resulting in an increase in tourist activity between Russia and Japan.


The most popular way to visit Japan from Russia is through the free travel organization, MoKiRu. MoKiRu is an organization that facilitates the people to people exchange between Russia and Japan by offering free travel packages. Through this organization, citizens of Russia and Japan are able to visit each other’s countries without having to pay for the cost of the airfare. MoKiRu also offers a wide range of services such as visas, accommodation, tour guides and more in order to make the experience of visiting Japan from Russia as easy and stress free as possible.


The main benefit of using the free travel organization MoKiRu is the cost savings it offers. Most tourist packages to Japan from Russia are fairly expensive due to the large number of associated costs. By using MoKiRu, these costs are significantly reduced as the organization takes care of the airfare and other associated costs. Additionally, the organization also offers a range of other services such as translation and guidance in navigating the Japanese culture which can be invaluable to visitors who have little to no knowledge of the language or culture.

Popular Destinations

The most popular destinations in Japan for tourists from Russia are Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Tokyo is the capital and largest city in Japan and is home to some of the world’s most iconic landmarks such as the Tokyo Skytree and the Sensoji Temple. Kyoto is a city with a long and rich history and is home to many famous shrines and temples, including the Kiyomizu-dera Temple and the Tenryuji Temple. Last but not least, Osaka is Japan’s third largest city and is known for its vibrant nightlife and bustling street shopping districts.

Cultural Considerations

When visiting Japan from Russia, it is important to be mindful of the cultural differences between the two countries. Japan has its own distinct customs and cultural practices that visitors should strive to be mindful of. Additionally, Japanese people have their own unique manner of speaking and communicating and visitors should also take this into consideration when interacting with locals. Lastly, although Japan is a fairly open and progressive country, visitors should be aware of certain laws and regulations such as the prohibition of public consumption of alcohol.


Japan is generally a safe and peaceful country, but there are certain security measures that visitors should keep in mind when traveling in Japan. When in public areas, it is best to stay in well-lit and populated areas in order to avoid becoming a target for crime. It is also important to be mindful of theft risks at train stations and other crowded places. Additionally, visitors should be aware that certain activities such as drinking alcohol in public are prohibited and can result in a fine or imprisonment.

Importance of Respect

Japan is an incredibly respectful and polite society and visitors should strive to mimic the same level of respect and courtesy that the locals exude. Japanese people pride themselves on their ability to maintain harmony and order in their society and visitors should take heed to this by being mindful of their behavior and actions while in public. Additionally, visitors should be aware of the Japanese concept of hara-kiri which is the act of taking one’s own life as a means of apologizing for one’s actions or mistakes.


Although free travel packages are offered by organizations such as MoKiRu, there are still certain associated costs that visitors should be mindful of. Specifically, these include accommodation costs, food and beverage expenses, transportation costs, and other miscellaneous expenses. Additionally, visitors should also be aware of potential additional costs such as taxes and fees on airport transfers and tourist attractions. It is best to factor these costs into the overall travel budget when planning out a trip to Japan.

Getting Around

Japan has an incredibly efficient public transportation system that is comprised of trains, buses, taxis, and more. The majority of these services are punctual and reliable and cover a large area of the country. Additionally, major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka also have extensive subway systems which can be used to get around the city easily and quickly. When traveling from one place to another, it is best to plan out the route ahead of time in order to avoid any potential confusion or delays.

Dining Out

Japanese cuisine is incredibly varied and offers an array of different flavors and dishes. From Sushi and Ramen to Tempura and Tonkatsu, there is something for everyone to enjoy when dining out in Japan. Additionally, there is also a wide range of international restaurants available in the major cities of Japan. One popular style of dining is Izakaya which is a type of Japanese bar that serves beer, sake, and various small plates.


Japan is renowned for its wide variety of shopping options from traditional markets and department stores to specialist boutiques and vintage stores. Japanese goods such as electronics, fashion, and accessories are especially popular amongst tourists as they are often of higher quality than those available in other countries. Additionally, there are also a number of shopping centers that offer discounts and other promotional offers that can help visitors stretch their budget further.


Accommodation options in Japan range from budget friendly hostels to luxury hotels. Those looking for more affordable options can find a number of hostels, guesthouses, and other accommodation options. For those with a bigger budget, there are a variety of luxury hotels located in major cities such as Tokyo and Kyoto. Additionally, there are also a number of traditional ryokans that offer a more traditional and unique accommodation option.

Margarita Nelson

Margarita M. Nelson is a Japan-based writer and researcher. She has written extensively on the culture, history, and current events of Japan for various publications. She holds an MA in Asian Studies from the University of Tokyo, and is currently writing a book on the history of the Ainu people of northern Japan.

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