Japan Travel Recommendations

Traveling Secretly Specifically Highly Recommended to Japan

When it comes to Japan, you need to go with traveling secretly specifically highly recommended to Japan. This may sound a bit silly, however, Japanese culture is very unique and there are many hidden gems that can only be discovered when “in the know.” Japanese festivals and traditional sightseeing spots are must-see but there are also many unique experiences and activities that can only be found through local knowledge.

The best advice for anyone looking to travel around Japan is to rent a car or ride a bike. This way, not only can you take your time to explore the countryside but it also gives you more flexibility in terms of where you can go and when. Japan is not especially big and you can make it to almost anywhere within a few hours – making it a great place to explore at your own pace.

Consider renting a guided tour or getting help from a tour guide to find the best local sites. Of course, if you’re short on time, there are plenty of popular tourist sites that are easily accessible, but you’ll be missing out on so much if you don’t take the time to seek out the hidden gems. Japan is home to so many incredible experiences, from sake-tasting to hot spring-reading – the possibilities are endless.

Kyoto is full of exciting activities and attractions so remember to do research on the places you want to visit before your trip. When you’re in the city, don’t be afraid to wander – you’ll be surprised at what you find if you take the time to explore. There are so many hidden cafes, stores, and unique buildings that tourists generally don’t know about – so keep an eye out and you may be able to make some amazing discoveries.

Foods to Try for Japan Travelers

Though it’s impossible to try all the foods Japan has to offer, some of the most popular dishes tourists should definitely try include ramen and sushi. Japanese ramen can range from savory to sweet and can be found in almost any restaurant. It’s usually served with a variety of toppings and sides to make the experience even more exciting – from fish cakes to bamboo shoots.

Sushi is also a must-try for any visitor to Japan. The types of sushi available in Japan are almost endless – from spicy tuna to tempura sweet potato varieties – you’ll find something to satisfy every palate. Don’t forget to enjoy some of the other amazing foods the country has to offer, such as yakitori, katsu curry, and takoyaki. There’s something for everyone so dig in and enjoy the amazing flavors.

When it’s time to look out for reasonably priced restaurants, avoid the ones that are particularly crowded with tourists – often these are overpriced and not the best quality. Instead, try to search out restaurants and shops that locals frequent and you should be able to find some real gems that offer great food at budget-friendly prices.

If you’re looking for a unique food experience in Japan, then look no further than the legendary Sukiyabashi Jiro. This sushi restaurant is the oldest in Tokyo and has been serving phenomenal sushi since the 1950s. Prices are high but this is a once in a lifetime experience that tourists should definitely experience.

How to Save Money for Japan Trip

It’s no secret that Japan can be an expensive place to visit, but there are plenty of ways to save money for your trip. For starters, try and stay in budget-friendly accommodation options. Hostels and Airbnb’s are great alternatives to expensive hotels and often offer much better services than traditional places. Similarly, if you’re looking to save on food costs, buy ingredients from a local grocery store and prepare your own meals. This is also a good way to acquaint yourself with the unique flavors of Japan.

Japan has a lot to offer, from stunning culture and history to amazing views, so consider prioritizing experiences and activities that are free or low cost. There are plenty of great museums featuring local art and history that don’t cost a penny, as well as stunning parks and shrines that can offer a great insight into Japanese culture. Many cities also offer free walking tours and city centers, so make sure to take advantage of these opportunities.

The best way to save money in Japan is to use a Suica card. This ‘smart card’ is available in most major train stations and can be used in most major cities and towns. Not only do you save money by being able to avoid the long queues for tickets but it’s also a great way to explore the country as you go – you’ll be able to find amazing shops and eateries that accept the card and explore the unique sites Japan has to offer.

If you’re looking to save on travel costs, book in advance. Often you can find great deals on flights and train tickets just by booking ahead and you can often find amazing discounts on accommodation too – so it’s always worth checking in advance.

Must-See Festivals and Unforgettable Experiences

If you’re looking for a truly unique experience in Japan, check out the festivals. Japan’s festivals are known for being colourful and entertaining – from the Gion Matsuri in Kyoto to the Awa Odori in Tokushima Prefecture – you’ll be spoiled for choice. Also, don’t forget to experience one of Japan’s famous Japanese tea ceremonies – a great way to take a break and relax.

For those looking for something a little more exciting, consider taking part in some of Japan’s outdoor sports or trying some of its unique activities – such as paintballing, hot air ballooning, and paragliding – you’ll be sure to have an unforgettable time! Japan also has some amazing hotsprings that are well worth visiting and soaking in. The natural beauty of the country is also not to be forgotten – especially the beauty of its stunning mountain vistas.

There’s so much to do and see in Japan – from shopping to amazing cuisine to stunning views – the possibilities are truly endless. Just remember to take your time – don’t rush the experience and take the time to enjoy all the unique experiences. Japan is home to some of the most amazing experiences in the world and it’s worth taking the time to enjoy it all – it’s something you’ll never forget!

Safety Tips for Japan Trip

When travelling in Japan, you should take some basic safety precautions, such as never walking alone at night and stowing away cash and valuables in a safe place. Japan is a very safe country but there can be some dangers if you’re not careful.

It’s also important to carry some form of identification with you at all times so that you can be identified should anything happen. It’s also advisable to carry some form of medical and travel insurance in case you need it.

Also consider registering your trip with your embassy so that they know where you are and can get in touch with you if necessary. This is especially important if you’re travelling for an extended period of time.

Finally, it’s important to respect the local culture and customs. Japan is an incredibly polite and peaceful country and it’s important to understand and respect their ways. Don’t forget to take off your shoes when entering a home or temple and be aware of cultural taboos. There’s a lot to learn about Japan’s culture and customs but it’s all worth the effort in the end!


Japan is an amazing place to visit and there’s something for everyone. From the traditional to the contemporary, Japan has it all – just don’t forget to take the time to explore and savour the experience. As long as you keep safety in mind, planning and preparation will help make your Japan experience a truly unforgettable one.

Margarita Nelson

Margarita M. Nelson is a Japan-based writer and researcher. She has written extensively on the culture, history, and current events of Japan for various publications. She holds an MA in Asian Studies from the University of Tokyo, and is currently writing a book on the history of the Ainu people of northern Japan.

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