Japan Security Travel

Background Information

The safety and security of travelers in Japan is a major issue for anyone venturing to visit this fascinating island nation. Japan has long been considered one of the safest countries in the world, however, recent statistics have shown an increase in crime. These statistics, combined with the difficulties associated with navigating the language barrier and cultural differences, have made many travelers question the safety and security of travel in Japan.

Data and Statistics

A 2017 survey of travelers to Japan conducted by the Japanese government revealed that the majority of travelers felt safe and secure while in Japan. The survey reported that 88% of the respondents felt that the country was safe and secure, and 75% reported that their experience in Japan was excellent or good. However, the same survey reported that there was an increase in crime, with 30% of the respondents reporting an incident of theft or assault.
The police data from the National Police Agency in the same year showed that there were more than 65,000 reported cases of theft and around 4,000 reported cases of violence. The government crime statistics also revealed that the majority of these crimes were perpetrated by local people against other locals.

Perspectives from Experts

The general consensus from security experts is that Japan remains one of the safest countries in the world, but that travelers should exercise caution when visiting. Robert McDermott, a security analyst from Global Security International, commented on the issue, stating that Japan is “a very safe country, but there are still risks that need to be taken into consideration”. He advised travelers to be mindful of their surroundings and to avoid carrying large amounts of money or valuable items.
Takahiro Sasaki, a professor of international security studies from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and an expert on security in Japan, echoed Robert’s comments. He stated that travelers should remain aware at all times, particularly in crowded areas and in large cities like Tokyo. He also advised avoiding walking around alone at night and recommended that travelers make use of the safe-travel guides provided in many tourist areas.

Insights and Analysis

It is important to remember that the overall security situation in Japan remains very good, and that the vast majority of travelers will have an exceptionally safe and enjoyable experience. The key to having a safe and secure trip to Japan is to be mindful of the risks and to take sensible precautions. The best way to stay safe is to research the areas that you are visiting and to be sure to be aware of your surroundings.
One of the best ways to ensure your safety while travelling in Japan is to make use of the excellent public safety infrastructure the country has to offer. Japan has well developed public transport, police stations, security cameras and other safety features that make it an excellent choice for travelers.

Language Barrier

One of the key safety issues for visitors in Japan is the difficulty of navigating the language barrier. Japan has its own language and culture which can be difficult to understand and navigate. Learning key phrases in Japanese such as “help”, “emergency” and “where is the police station” can be very useful if you find yourself in a situation where you need assistance. Additionally, carrying some sort of translation dictionary or phone app can also be very helpful in navigating the language barrier.
Tokyo, being Japan’s largest city and a popular tourist destination, is particularly challenging from a language standpoint. It is important to remember that even if you do not understand the language, people in Tokyo will be very friendly and helpful and will always be willing to try and help.

Cultural Differences

Navigating the cultural differences can also be a challenge for travelers in Japan. It is important to understand that Japanese culture is very different from other cultures and that there are many etiquette protocols that must be followed. For example, it is important to remove your shoes when entering a home, to use both hands when exchanging money or items, and to be respectful and courteous when conversing with others.
It is also important to note that many public spaces in Japan have a strict ‘no smoking’ policy which must be observed. Additionally, it is important to remember that there are subtle differences between men’s and women’s roles in Japan which should be respected.

Safety Tips

A key piece of advice when travelling to Japan is to make sure that you have all of your essential items in your possession at all times. This includes passport, wallet, phone and any valuable items that you may have. Additionally, it is important to always be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts.
It is also a good idea to make use of the many safety services offered in many popular tourist areas. These include police boxes, tourist information centers, and emergency services. Furthermore, it is also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the contact numbers for the local police and emergency services in case of an emergency.


One of the best ways to ensure your safety when travelling to Japan is to make use of the latest technology. There are a number of mobile apps and online services that can help travelers to stay safe and secure while travelling in Japan.
One of the most popular is Google Maps, which provides detailed and up-to-date maps of many popular tourist destinations in Japan. Additionally, there are many popular tourism apps which provide GPS tracking of the user’s location as well as detailed safety guides for the area.
Finally, it is important to remember that Japan is a highly advanced technological society and that travelers can take advantage of the latest technologies and services to stay safe. For example, many hotels offer automated key cards or facial recognition technology, and many stores offer cashless payment options such as QR code payments or credit card services.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is essential for any traveler visiting Japan. Travel insurance can provide peace of mind and protection in the event of an accident or emergency. It can cover medical expenses, lost luggage, theft, and other potential risks.
When looking for travel insurance, it is important to find a policy that can provide the right level of cover for your particular needs. It is also important to check the policy details to ensure that what is covered is exactly what you need.

Staying Connected

It is also important to stay connected while travelling in Japan. It is essential to have access to the internet in case of an emergency. Many travelers opt to purchase a prepaid SIM card or WiFi hotspot, both of which are available from most convenience stores in Japan. Additionally, many restaurants, cafes and hotels have WiFi enabled and can be used to stay connected.


Japan is a very safe country and there is no need to be overly concerned about safety. By taking sensible precautions and being mindful of your surroundings, most travelers will enjoy a safe and secure trip to Japan. Furthermore, by making use of the excellent public safety infrastructure and the latest technologies, travelers can stay safe and connected while in Japan.

Nancy Weiner

Nancy A. Weiner is an experienced journalist and author specializing in Japan. She is a published author of several books and articles about Japanese culture, history and politics. She has also been a featured guest speaker at many international conferences on Japanese culture, politics and education.

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