Fitfor Travel Japan

Travel Preparations

Travelling to the Land of the Rising Sun may sound exciting. But there are a few things one should keep in mind before making the journey that will ensure a positive and pleasant experience. Planning ahead is one of the most important steps to get into the groove with Japanese culture and etiquette. Reading about Japanese customs and learning related expressions would help in getting an idea about how the culture is. Additionally, same as with travelling to any other place, making a budget would make for a well-planned journey.

It is beneficial to have knowledge about the basic amenities and prices for fare, lodging, or souvenirs. There are many different ways to get to and around Japan, including by train, bus, car rental, and of course, by plane. Knowing which way works best depending on the spots one wishes to visit is important and will help save time and money. Checking and researching the sites that speak of popular festivals and places of Japan, that one wishes to visit, is also helpful.

Making sure one has more than enough local currency for the duration of the trip and finding a way to access it while in Japan, is essential. Local currency is indispensable for pushing forward with convenience during the course of the holiday. Devices like Japan’s IC cards, transport cards that heavily cuts back on the using up of money, time, and effort, are beneficial when used correctly.

Navigating through a Foreign Country

Moving around a foreign country can be exciting and daunting at the same time. With a large variety of transport options available, doing research and understanding which mode of transport works best during the course of the journey is key. With the Japanese railway system reigning when it comes to travel, it is important to check the websites for proper information about the tickets available and the fares.

Ensuring that the destination known to the locals is also known to the travellers is important. Many travellers consider having printouts or screenshots of the place they wish to go to; this tends to aide them while asking locals for directions. Knowing some of the common expressions or things that are used in Japan, like “mizu irrashai” (to welcome the customers), “Sumimasen” (I am sorry) or “arigatou” (thank you) is a great help.

Speaking the language may not be possible for many but ensuring the pronunciation of the words and terms mentioned here is good enough. Buying a Japan tourist guide book which includes descriptions and illustrations of the places where one wishes to go for, would also be beneficial.

Food and Dining

No trip is complete without experiencing the local cuisine. Japan has a great variety of different flavours and tastes offered to its visitors. Exploring the food scene in Japan is an exciting and enlightening experience. Visiting the local fish markets and eateries is heavily recommended, as they are inexpensive yet offer great quality food.

In some places, like Tokyo, visitors may find where they can try out traditional Japanese dishes, like sushi, yakitori, robots, and tempura. There is also an abundance of great food on offer from different countries, so all cuisines are represented in Japan. Those interested can find something to suit just about every palate. Lastly, Japan is fairly safe in terms of food safety, so there’s not too much to worry about.

Common Travel Mistakes

Travel can be hectic and confusing. Japan is a great place to explore but there are some important dos and don’ts that should be kept in mind while travelling there. For example, it may not come across as the best idea to leave for an excursion the very same day one arrives in Japan due to jetlag and time factor. Another thing to keep in mind would be to reserve and book accommodations properly before the trip begins.

Researching the location beforehand will save a lot of time and energy during the journey. Another important factor to take into consideration is to adhere to the Japanese etiquette. Not speaking Japanese may be a bit of a challenge but there is always the option of using general phrases and expressions.

Making sure to check the weather updates and what to pack for the excursion is something tourists should keep in mind when travelling to Japan. Lastly, being aware and vigilant is a must, as there are some potential scams which might be encountered, like taxis with inflated fares at tourist and leisure spots.

Local Etiquette and Manners

Japan boasts a great culture where people tend to show great courtesy and respect. Many of the Japanese find being loud and boisterous in public to be rude and troublesome. Dressing properly is another important factor that should be noted. It is important to dress in an acceptable and conservative manner as to avoid sticking out. Japan is fairly relaxed when it comes to clothing in public but it is always good to be mindful when dressing around the locals.

Taking photographs is considered to be polite in Japan but it is essential to ensure that the permission is granted before taking pictures. For example, zooming in on people without their approval can be deemed as rude. Visiting temples is an exciting and peaceful thing to do in Japan but it is important to be aware of the customs and adhere to them like, speaking in low voices, taking your footwear off when entering the temples and so on.

Culture and Language

Developing an understanding of the Japanese culture is great for visitors. Knowing and being aware of the etiquette and customs in Japan is helpful. Learning the language is another great thing to do as it aids in communicating with the locals. By understanding the grammar and words, visitors can have a more meaningful conversation.

While learning the language may not be for everyone, being aware about the phrases and expressions that are commonplace can save a lot of time in asking for directions or when stepping into the shops. Knowing how to address the locals and using the terms of respect are things that could come in handy and prove to be of great assistance when travelling in Japan.

Safety and Security

Japan is a fairly safe and secure country when it comes to travelling. Japan is known for its low crime rate and for being a safe place for solo travelers. Yet, as with travelling to any other place, picking up the basic safety tips and precautions is always advisable. Some tips include familiarising oneself with the area, knowing the emergency contacts, and being properly prepared for any medical emergencies.

It is also important to be careful when it comes to money and possessions, keeping valuables close to one’s person and making sure to never leave them unattended. Going out late at night may not be the best thing to do in a foreign country, and the same goes for Japan too. When going out, doing so in a group or in pairs is suggested.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Japan is a great place to visit and explore. By being prepared and knowing the basics, one can have a safe and pleasant journey. With amazing food, beautiful architecture, helpful locals, and many more attractions, Japan is sure to bring an unforgettable experience for all who visit.

Margarita Nelson

Margarita M. Nelson is a Japan-based writer and researcher. She has written extensively on the culture, history, and current events of Japan for various publications. She holds an MA in Asian Studies from the University of Tokyo, and is currently writing a book on the history of the Ainu people of northern Japan.

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