Can Visitors Travel To Japan

Hurdles for Travelling to Japan

Many people underestimate the difficulty of travelling to Japan. It’s not just a matter of getting a plane ticket, but also making sure other documentation is in order. There are requirements for an entry visa, as well as strict import rules and regulations. Tourists have to take into account the COVID-19 situation that, while controlled, still imposes restrictions on foreign visitors.
Japan is a nation that tightly controls the inflow and outflow of goods and people. It is a well known fact that Japan’s customs and immigration rules and regulations are some of the strictest in the world. For instance, foreign tourists are not allowed to bring in certain products such as fruits and dairy that come from outside of Japan, as well as medications from other countries.
The executive director of the Tokyo Tourism Bureau and an expert in Japan’s immigration policies, Mr.Takamoto Yoshihara, says that “Visitors should be aware of the current situation especially in terms of quarantine requirements and visa requirements if they intend to travel to Japan.”
Japanese authorities are trying to make the process easier as they want to welcome foreign visitors. For instance, Japan has recently launched a special visa regime for foreign travelers entering the country as tourists. People can apply for this visa online and get it within 10 days. This visa will enable them to visit Japan for a period of 90 days and explore the majestic beauty of the country.
The looming problem of foreign tourists is, however, access to accommodation. Japan is a country that is densely populated and its urban centers are already cramped living spaces. Therefore, tourists may find it difficult to secure a place to stay at reasonable prices.
Another issue many tourists face is language. Japan is an incredibly homogenous country and few people speak English. Tourist area have trained staff and some hotels have English-language services, but outside the major cities, most people have limited ability to speak English.

Despite All the Difficulties, Japan is Well Worth Visiting

In spite of the difficulties travelers face when travelling to Japan, the country is still worth it for many reasons.
One major reason is, of course, its natural beauty. Japan is known for its dense forests, rolling hills, hot springs, amazing sea-life and traditions. The country has four distinct seasons, which also offers different attractions for travelers.
For culture enthusiasts, Japan offers a plethora of experiences. The country is known for its centuries-old culture and is considered one of the most important world heritage sites. It is home to some of the world’s most ancient treasures, including Shinto and Zen Buddhism shrines, samurais, geishas and a wealth of traditional art.
Moreover, Japan also has a rich contemporary culture that makes it an attractive destination. Visitors can experience the cutting edge of modern technology at Tokyo’s “electric town”, Akihabara. They can also explore ultra modern architecture, ultra-modern transportation systems, and enjoy excellent cuisine.

Is Japan Expensive for Tourists?

The reputation of Japan as an expensive country is very much unwarranted. There are many ways overseas travelers can make their visit more affordable.
For starters, there are many discounts available if travelers buy a Japan Rail pass. This ticket offers free travel on all JR trains within the country, making it much easier and cheaper to visit any place of interest in Japan.
Staying in traditional Japanese inns (or ryokans) is also an affordable option. These inns offer budget accommodation, along with some traditional hospitality. Tourists can also take advantage of low-cost budget accommodation offered at capsule hotels.
Tourists can also take advantage of various discounts for foreigners. For instance, visitors can take advantage of the Happy Monday Program that offers discounts of up to 20% on many attractions in Japan.

Tips for a Stress-Free Trip to Japan

Travelling to Japan can be an overwhelming experience, so here are some tips to ensure a stress-free trip.
Planning is key. It is important to have a good itinerary and know exactly where you are planning to stay and visit. It is also wise to book tickets and accommodation in advance to avoid any last minute hassles.
Japan is a modern country with plenty of urban transport and prepaid spend cards can help tourists avoid cashless confusion during their trip.
It is important to respect Japanese customs. Tourists should be aware of social norms and understand that bowing is considered polite in Japan.
Finally, visitors should learn some handy phrases in Japanese. This may help tourists get around without much hassle.

Exploring the Japanese Cuisine

Japan is home to some of the most inventive and sophisticated cuisines in the world.
The focus is on freshness, simply cooked ingredients and layered flavor. Japanese cuisine is formally known as washoku, meaning “Japanese food”. Some of the top dishes include sushi, sake, soba noodles, tempura, tofu, ramen, and more.
Sushi is a dish of vinegared rice with seafood, vegetables, and other ingredients. It is often served as individual servings or as part of a platter. Sake is a rice wine made in Japan and is traditionally served warm in special containers.
Soba noodles are a popular type of noodles made from buckwheat that are usually served either hot or cold with a variety of broths and sauces. Tempura is deep fried vegetables and seafood usually served with a dipping sauce.
Tofu is another popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine. It is made from soy beans and is often used as a vegetarian option in many dishes. Ramen is a dish of wheat noodles served with a variety of meats and vegetables in a flavorful broth.

Take Home Souvenirs From Japan

Souvenirs from Japan are a great way to always remember the trip.
Japanese culture has many unique items to offer such as sake sets and music boxes. Stationery items like origami paper, stamp sets, or calligraphy are popular items that tourists can take home with them. Japanese fans are also a great option for a memorable souvenir.
Toys such as kendamas, mankans are suitable for young travelers, while traditional goods can make for interesting gifts. Tea sets, tea caddies, and Japanese tea are great gifts for tea lovers.
The kimono is the most iconic symbol of Japanese traditional dress. Although traditionally worn by women, more men have started wearing them for festivals or special occasions. Some unique items that can be found in Japan are the hand-crafted umbrella and the yo-yo.

Enjoy the Many Festivals of Japan

Japan is home to many festivals and events both traditional and modern.
Some of the most popular and unique festivals in Japan include hatsumode (New Year’s festival), the Shirakawago Ice and Snow Festival, the Yomiuri Machi Festival, and the Aomori Nebuta Festival.
The hatsumode takes place at the start of the calendar year and is celebrated with numerous events at temples and shrines nationwide. The Shirakawago Ice and Snow Festival is one of the highlights of the winter season, with ice and snow sculptures, music and fireworks. The Yomiuri Machi Festival is a celebration of Japanese traditional culture with various activities and performances.
The Aomori Nebuta Festival is one of Japan’s most famous lantern festivals. Thousands of people gather to see the illuminated lanterns and beautiful floats parade through the town.

Discovering Japan’s Natural Beauty and Vast Wildlife

Japan is a country rich in spectacular natural beauty.
Japan’s most iconic natural attractions include Mount Fuji, the snow monkeys, and the cherry blossoms.
Mount Fuji is Japan’s highest mountain and a sacred site for the country’s people. It is renowned for its near-perfect conical shape and its stunning sunrises and sunsets. The snow monkeys are a breed of primates that live in the northern parts of the country and are known for their playful behavior and cute looks.
Finally, the cherry blossoms are a beautiful site during spring time. These blossoms that cover trees in pink or white signify the start of the spring season in Japan.

Unforgettable Japanese Memories

Japan is a place with rich and unique culture. Tourists should make the most of their trip to Japan, be it sipping a cup of sake in a traditional inn, exploring ancient temples, or just taking in views of the stunning countryside.
Make sure to explore the local markets and stores for souvenirs, take pictures of the country’s famous landmarks, and sample local cuisine. Take some time to learn more about Japanese culture, and don’t forget to try your hand at a bit of meditation.
Above all else, don’t be afraid to be a bit of an adventurer and explore the country at your own pace. Japan is a wonderful and fascinating place and hopefully your visit will be truly unforgettable.

Margarita Nelson

Margarita M. Nelson is a Japan-based writer and researcher. She has written extensively on the culture, history, and current events of Japan for various publications. She holds an MA in Asian Studies from the University of Tokyo, and is currently writing a book on the history of the Ainu people of northern Japan.

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